My writing has been published in publications ranging from the BBC to Deutsche Welle and Pink News
Artificial Intelligence
A future where humans no longer have to work because machines are able to create economic value all on their own represents one the most alluring visions of what AI can do.
A growing number of startups are now trying to make these autonomous money-making companies happen.
— Reporting for Sifted -
Social issues
Evictions are an unwelcome fact of life in Ciutat Meridiana, one of Barcelona's poorest neighbourhoods. Even during the pandemic, the local residents' association meets weekly in the town hall, to hear from people who face losing their homes in the midst of a public health crisis.
— Reporting for BBC with Eloise Edgington -
Climate change
With rising global temperatures affecting the quality of the fruit we produce and eat, some areas of agricultural land, once fit for growing, are becoming too hot. It's resulting in ruined harvests and endangering livelihoods. But now, scientists in Spain are developing new apples that can thrive in hot temperatures.
— Reporting for Deutsche Welle -
Seven people who worked at DN Capital — an investor in Shazam, Remitly and Auto1 — allege that its founder Nenad Marovac sexually harassed and bullied colleagues, creating a culture of misogyny at the fund.
Marovac has denied all the allegations. DN Capital has opened an independent investigation into the allegations, which it said do not reflect its culture.
— Reporting for Sifted with Freya Pratty -
Federico Armenteros Avila, a well-built man in his mid-sixties, removes heavy padlocked chains from the door of a large, abandoned building in Madrid. It’s set to become Spain’s first LGBT+ retirement home.
— Reporting for Pink News -
Tech reporting
This is just a small sample of my written journalism. I’ve been reporting on AI and wider technology for Sifted for the past five years and you can find all of my articles at the link below.